In this documentary, dive into the life story of Vyacheslav Yankovsky, a choreographer whose life takes an unexpected turn after a serious injury. Known for his dazzling career with the global sensation "Riverdance," Yankovsky has nothing but his enduring passion for tap dancing to lean on. Thanks to his persistence he overcomes all difficulties and creates his unique dance show.
This is a story about how to stay strong when the world seems to crumble. It is a tribute to the power of dedication to your calling under any circumstances. Yankovsky seemed to transmit a piece of his soul to everyone touched by it — be it stage partners, audiences, or the children he guides in rehearsal. From a celebrated dancer to a revered mentor, Yankovsky proves that dance is not just an interest, but a way of life that endures through all trials.
Idea by Evgeny Osmolovsky. Cinematography by Stas Kilin and Alexander Novikov.