These five films are a series of documentaries that tell a tale of the Tovstonogov Bolshoi Drama Theater, also known as BDT. The films pay special attention to the Golden Age in the history of BDT — the time when Georgy Tovstonogov led the theatre.
Under Tovstonogov BDT became one of the most famous Russian theaters: you could see people coming here from all over the country to see “Five Evenings” or “History of a Horse”.
By exploring the theater’s signature productions, the films not only reveal the stories behind them but also talk about all other things connected with these performances: the time they premiered, the cast of actors, and the overall history of the theater and its brilliant troupe.
Many actors contributed to the film: Natalya Tenyakova and Yuri Stoyanov who worked at BDT together with Tovstonogov; Kama Ginkas and Henrietta Yanovskaya who took Georgy Tovstonogov directing class, and Konstantin Raikin, a native of Leningrad, who grew up watching Tovstonogov’s productions. The films also contain unique footage of Tovstonogov's rehearsals and scenes from his productions.