Svetlana Astretsova's documentary film project, "Bulgakov: This World is Mine!", delves into the life of Bulgakov the playwright. Produced by "Lendok" and supported by the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, the film takes its title, "This World is Mine," from Bulgakov's "Theatrical Romance." Through the lens of the theater, the film presents Bulgakov's memories, memoirs, and letters. Renowned figures such as playwright Edward Radzinsky, director Dmitry Bozin, and actor Pavel Lyubimtsev contribute their insights.
The film explores the enduring appeal of Bulgakov's plays. How did he, who never set foot abroad, manage to capture the hearts of audiences worldwide? Discover the enigmatic persona of Bulgakov, the concept of "Bulgakov's theater," and his profound influence that shaped an entire generation of playwrights.